This year we have a bumper crop of cherries, we are lucky too because they are the delicious Black Morello Cherry and they are coming out my ears for want of a better term
I have bottled them,froze them,ate them, made Jam and Compote and then I remembered
this recipe its a favourite here in France
1lb cherries
2 level tbsp granulated sugar
2 tbsp red red wine or cherry kirsch
2 tbsp digestive biscuit crumbs
For the batter
2 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks
3oz sugar
1oz cornflour
9oz double creme
Preheat oven to 220/425F gas 7
Combine cherries, sugar and wine, and place in oven for 5 mins until cherries are hot, drain the cherrries and cool.
Reduce oven to 180/350F/gas4
Whisk the eggs and egg yolks until light and frothy, add the sugar and whisk until blended Add the cornflour and cream and then set aside to rest. Mix the cherries with the biscuit crumb, put into ovenproof dish and then pour the batter over. Bake for 30- 35 mins until golden brown and firm
Leave to cool and then dust with icing sugar and serve with creme fraiche flavoured with cherry juice or icecream
Tip: add the juice to good wine vinagar to make a superb cherry vinegar